NCMSA11 Wrap-Up

So this year at NCMSA11 I was in a completely different role from previous years.  As you may have noticed (or not) I didn’t post from a single session. That’s because I didn’t get to attend any sessions that I wasn’t presenting.  My primary role this year was to help man the “Tech Sandbox” in the Exhibit Hall.  We had a booth set up with about 20 laptops, a SMART Board, and some other equipment for conference attendees to come over and play around with.

This sandbox idea sprang out of previous year’s lack of folks bringing laptops with them.  Well, as luck would have it, this year there was a HUGE upswing in the number of folks bringing their laptops and iPads with them to the sessions.

Good News: More folks had web access and technology with them at the conference…

Bad News: Limited the role of the Tech Sandbox…

Worst News: I’m not finding a lot of information floating around out there about conference sessions…

So, we’ve kind of turned a corner in that people are expecting to have access at the conference and are showing up with the equipment to take notes and make them shareable.  The problem is, notes are still leaving with individuals and not being shared with other conference attendees.  Sure these folks will go back to their buildings and share this information there, but how about helping out those that couldn’t attend the other wonderful sessions at various time slots?  I guess that means there’s still room to push…